Best Hollywood movies here Harry potter all part and Series


Here is all information about Best Hollywood movies here Harry potter all part and Series, the philosopher’s Stone, Harry potter and the-chamber ofsecrets, Наrry potter and prisoner of Arkahan, Harry potter and the table Goblet potter Of Fire, Harry potter and the order of phoenix, Harry potter and the Half_ Blood prince, Harry potter and the Deathly Hallows part -1and part -2

Harry potter and the philosopher’s Stone

This is the tale of Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe), an ordinary eleven-year-old boy serving as a sort of slave for his aunt and uncle who learns that he is actually a wizard and has been invited to attend the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry is snatched away from his mundane existence by Rubeus Hagrid (Robbie Coltrane), the groundskeeper for Hogwarts, and quickly thrown into a world completely foreign to both him and the viewer. Famous for an incident that happened at his birth, Harry makes friends easily at his new school. Ratings :4.8

Release date : November 16, 2001

Box office collection : $974 million

Cast & crew:Daniel Radcliffe, Rupet Grint ,Emma walson, richard Harris,

maggie smith, Robbie coltrane ,Saunders Triplets, Fiona shaw, Harry melling, Richand Griffiths , Derek Deadman ,lan Hart , Ben Borowie Скі, warwick Davis, Verne Troyer, John Hurt, Richard Bremmer, Gereldline somerville.

Harry Potter Cacmara Secreta

 Best Hollywood movies here Harry potter all part and Series Forced to spend his summer holidays with his muggle relations, Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) gets a real shock when he gets a surprise visitor: Dobby (Toby Jones) the house-elf, who warns Harry against returning to Hogwarts, for terrible things are going to happen. Harry decides to ignore Dobby’s warning and continues with his pre-arranged schedule. But at Hogwarts, strange and terrible things are indeed happening.

Ratings :4.7

Release date : November 16, 2001

Box office collection : $878 million

Cast & crew: Daniel Reckliffe. Emma Watson, Rupert Gerint, Kenneth Branagh,grint,

Bonnie wright, Richard harris, casan saacs, christian coulson, Alan sickman, Toby joness , Tom Felton,Fiona Shaw, Richare Griffiths,Robbie Coltrane, maggie smith, John cleese,  julie coasters, matthew Lewis ,warwick Davis, shirkey Henderson, miriam margolfes, Chris Rankin, Harm melling, Tom Knight. 

Наrry potter and prisoner of Arkahan 

Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) is having a tough time with his relatives (yet again). He runs away after using magic to inflate Uncle Vernon’s (Richard Griffiths’) sister Marge (Pam Ferris), who was being offensive towards Harry’s parents. Initially scared for using magic outside the school, he is pleasantly surprised that he won’t be penalized after all. However, he soon learns that a dangerous criminal and Voldemort’s trusted aide Sirius Black (Gary Oldman) has escaped from Azkaban Prison and wants to kill Harry to avenge the Dark Lord.

Ratings :4.5

Release date: May 31, 2004

Box office collection: $249.76 million.

Cast & crew:  Daniel Reddliffe, Richard Griffiths, pam Ferris , Piona shaw,Hank mellin, Adrian pawlins, Geraldine Somemorine, Lee Lenny, Lenny Henry Jimmy Gardner , gary oldman ,Jim Tavare, Robert Hardy, Abby ford Rupert corint, oliver phelps,Chris Rankin, Julie walters, Bonnie wright, mark Williams ,David Thewlis.

Harry potter and the table Goblet potter Of Fire

Harry’s (Daniel Radcliffe’s) fourth year at Hogwarts is about to start and he is enjoying the summer vacation with his friends. They get the tickets to The Quidditch World Cup Final, but after the match is over, people dressed like Lord Voldemort’s (Ralph Fiennes’) “Death Eaters” set a fire to all of the visitors’ tents, coupled with the appearance of Voldemort’s symbol, the “Dark Mark” in the sky, which causes a frenzy across the magical community. That same year, Hogwarts is hosting “The Triwizard Tournament”, a magical tournament between three well-known schools of magic : Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang. The contestants have to be above the age of seventeen, and are chosen by a magical object called “The Goblet of Fire”. Ratings:4.5

Release date : November 18, 2005 

Box office collection: $897 million 

Cast & crew : Daniel Reddliffe, Richard Griffiths, pam Ferris , Piona shaw,Hankmellin, Adrian pawlins, Geraldine Somemorine, Lee Lenny, Lenny Henry Jimmy Gardner , gary oldman ,Jim Tavare, Robert Hardy, Abby ford Rupert corint, oliver phelps,Chris Rankin, Julie walters, Bonnie wright, mark Williams ,David Thewlis.

Harry potter and the order of phoenix

After a lonely summer on Privet Drive, Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) returns to a Hogwarts full of ill-fortune. Few of students and parents believe him or Dumbledore (Sir Michael Gambon) that Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes) is really back. The ministry had decided to step in by appointing a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge (Imelda Staunton), who proves to be the nastiest person Harry has ever encountered. Harry also can’t help stealing glances with the beautiful Cho Chang (Katie Leung). To top it off are dreams that Harry can’t explain, and a mystery behind something for which Voldemort is searching.


Release date: July 3, 2007

Box office collection: $942.2 million

Cast & crew :Daniel Reddliffe, Richard Griffiths, pam Ferris , Piona shaw,Hankmellin, Adrian pawlins, Geraldine Somemorine, Lee Lenny, Lenny Henry Jimmy Gardner , gary oldman ,Jim Tavare, Robert Hardy, Abby ford Rupert corint, oliver phelps,Chris Rankin, Julie walters, Bonnie wright, mark Williams ,David Thewlis.

Harry potter and the Half_ Blood prince

During Harry Potter’s sixth year at Hogwarts, he finds a book that once belonged to the mysterious Half-Blood Prince that earns him the respect of his new Potions professor Horace Slughorn. In addition, Dumbledore must prepare Harry for the ultimate final confrontation by finding out the secret behind Voldemort’s power. Meanwhile, a hidden enemy waits in the shadows to carry out a mission given to him by the Dark Lord


Release date: July 15, 2009

Box office collection: $934 million

Cast & crew :Daniel Reddliffe, Richard Griffiths, pam Ferris , Piona shaw,Hank mellin, Adrian pawlins, Geraldine Somemorine, Lee Lenny, Lenny Henry Jimmy Gardner , gary oldman ,Jim Tavare, Robert Hardy, Abby ford Rupert corint, oliver phelps,Chris Rankin, Julie walters, Bonnie wright, mark Williams ,David Thewlis.

A Harry potter and the Deathly Hallows part -1 

Harry (Daniel Radcliffe), Ron (Rupert Grint), and Hermione (Emma Watson) continue their quest of finding and destroying Voldemort’s (Ralph Fiennes’) three remaining Horcruxes, the magical items responsible for his immortality. But as the mystical Deathly Hallows are uncovered, and Voldemort finds out about their mission, the biggest battle begins, and life as they know it will never be the same again.

Ratings: 4

Release date: November 19, 2010Kingdom)

Box office collection:  $371 million

Cast & crew :Daniel Reddliffe, Richard Griffiths, pam Ferris, Piona shaw,Hank mellin, Adrian pawlins, Geraldine Somemorine, Lee Lenny, Lenny Henry Jimmy Gardner , gary oldman ,Jim Tavare, Robert Hardy, Abby ford Rupert corint, oliver phelps,Chris Rankin, Julie walters, Bonnie wright, mark Williams ,David Thewlis.

Best 10 Top Thriller Movies Hollywood In Forever 2000 To 2023

Harry patter ant the Deathly Hallows part- 2

Harry (Daniel Radcliffe), Ron (Rupert Grint), and Hermione (Emma Watson) continue their quest of finding and destroying Voldemort’s (Ralph Fiennes’) three remaining Horcruxes, the magical items responsible for his immortality. But as the mystical Deathly Hallows are uncovered, and Voldemort finds out about their mission, the biggest battle begins, and life as they know it will never be the same again.

Ratings: 4.9

Release date: July15, 2011

Box office collection: $1.3 billion

Cast & crew : Daniel Reddliffe, Richard Griffiths, pam Ferris , Piona shaw,Hank

mellin, Adrian pawlins, Geraldine Somemorine, Lee Lenny, Lenny Henry Jimmy Gardner , gary oldman ,Jim Tavare, Robert Hardy, Abby ford Rupert corint, oliver phelps,Chris Rankin, Julie walters, Bonnie wright, mark Williams ,David Thewlis.

Best 10 Top Hollywood Movies Forever Of 1995 To 2023


  I hope you like our all blog on Harry potter best movie and series of all time


1.What is the 8 series of Harry Potter?

The correct order for reading the harry potter book series starts with “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” followed by “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,” “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,” “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,” “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,” “Harry Potter and the …

2.Where can I watch all 8 movies of Harry Potter?

Don’t call it “Riddikulus” — all eight Harry Potter films are now streaming on Peacock! Wands at the ready! For close to three decades, the Harry Potter saga has bewitched fans around the globe.

3.What inspired Harry Potter?

Rowling drew from various sources and inspirations for Harry Potter’s main characters and monsters. Harry Potter himself was inspired by a boy Rowling saw on a train platform. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were inspired by Rowling’s college friends.

4.What is the 2 longest Harry Potter movie?

The Chamber of Secrets (2002) – 2 hours and 41 minutes (161 minutes)

The Goblet of Fire (2005) – 2 hours and 37 minutes (157 minutes)

The Half-Blood Prince (2009) – 2 hours and 33 minutes (153 minutes)

The Philisopher’s Stone (2001) – 2 hours and 32 minutes (152 minutes)

5.Which is best Harry Potter film?

Harry Potter films ranked, from the best to the worst

  • The Deathly Hallows — Part 1.
  • The Goblet of Fire.
  • The Order of the Phoenix.
  • The Deathly Hallows — Part 2.
  • The Half-Blood Prince.
  • The Chamber of Secrets.
  • The Philosopher’s Stone.
  • The Prisoner of Azkaban.

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